
This is a Page for resources students can use during the course and for self-study afterward.

The Main Textbook

I will follow the following book in my lectures.

  1. Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 4th ed, by Sydsæter and Hammond

OER Textbooks

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (a) in the public domain or (b) licensed in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities – retaining, remixing, revising, reusing and redistributing the resources.

I encourage you to explore the following books and use them for study purposes. Pay extra attention to myOpenMath resource, which provides rich opportunities for practice and more interactive ways of learning.

  1. Applied Calculus, by Shana Calaway, Dale Hoffman, and David Lippman
  2. Business Calculus, by Shana Calaway
  3. College Algebra by Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager
  4. Elementary Calculus. An Infinitesimal Approach, by H. Jerome Keisler
  5. Calculus One, by Jim Fowler and Bart Snapp

Video Materials

Probably, this is the best way to learn Math. These materials provide great visual material explaining basic and advanced topics in Math. Besides the links provided, pay close attention to the syllabus, which contains additional video materials for practically every week.

  1. Khan Academy: College Algebra
  2. Khan Academy: College Calculus AB
  3. Khan Academy: Multivariable Calculus
  4. Jim Fowler, Calculus One Online Course
  5. Grant Sanderson (3Blue1Brown), Calculus

AI Tools

Feel free to use any AI tools you can find for study purposes. It provides enormous opportunities to amplify your learning process. Basically, you can use it as your teaching assistant. Do it wisely, as it is imperfect, and always rely on textbooks or other reliable primary sources.

Most importantly, follow the institutional policies to ensure academic integrity (as stated in the syllabus).

Useful links